Terms and Conditions

Access and use of this Website is subject to the following conditions as well as the legal provisions in force. By accessing and browsing through this website, you agree, without limitation or reservation, to these terms and conditions and acknowledge that they prevail over any other agreements between us.

Website’s property

This website belongs to Dynavia, registered to the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Lorient, based in :

Z.I. de Tréhonin – 56300 PONTIVY – FRANCE – Tel. : +33(0) 2 97 25 26 18
E-mail : contact@ dynavia.eu

Editorial Responsibility

The editorial director of this website is Steven Le Garrec as CEO.


The website is hosted by Gandi.

Intellectual property

L’ensemble de ce site relève de la législation française et internationale sur le droit d’auteur et la propriété intellectuelle. Tous les droits de reproduction sont réservés, y compris pour les documents téléchargeables et les représentations iconographiques et photographiques. Le contenu du site est, sauf mention contraire, la propriété de la société Dynavia. En conséquence et sauf mention contraire, toute utilisation des contenus du site ne peut être faite que moyennant l’autorisation écrite de la société Dynavia dont celle-ci reste seul juge. Toute reproduction ou représentation même partielle par quelque procédé que ce soit, réalisée sans le consentement écrit de la société Dynavia est interdite et illicite. Le non-respect de cette interdiction constitue une contrefaçon pouvant engager la responsabilité civile et pénale du contrefacteur.

The website is ruled by French and international copyright and intellectual property laws. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. The content of the website is, unless otherwise stated, the property of the company Dynavia. Consequently and unless otherwise stated, any use of the contents of the site may be made only with the written permission of the company Dynavia, of which Dynavia is the sole judge. Any reproduction or representation, even partial, by any process without the written consent of Dynavia is prohibited and illegal. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may give rise to civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Date Protection

According to the law «Informatique et Libertés», you have the right of access, modification and deletion of any data that concern you (Law of 6th January 1978 Informatique et liberté). To exercise it, please contact Dynavia.

Website designed by SEARCH-Factory.